Blackwing Tribe7 B-Tuned
Developed in collaboration by Bradford Young, ASC and Neil Fanthom, the Blackwing7s offer full frame/large format coverage. They feature a robust design combined with unique optical characteristics and customisation options.
The “B” tuned Blackwings feature the same multi-coated lens elements as the “S” tuned lenses, so they offer the same characteristics in terms of light management and flare control. The “B” lenses have a green/blue flare and have the edge de-lamination of the “X” lenses, so they have lower contrast.
Available prime lenses:
27mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.34m I Ø104 I PL Mount
37mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.45m I Ø104 I PL Mount
47mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.45m I Ø104 I PL Mount
57mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.48m I Ø104 I PL Mount
77mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.66m I Ø104 I PL Mount
107mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.69m I Ø104 I PL Mount
137mm I T1.9 I Close Focus 0.81m I Ø104 I PL Mount